2018 Cliffhanger Promotion’s Hillclimb …
Online registration (no strings attached, no prepay needed).
Our hillclimb is coming up in just under 4 weeks. Let’s hope we will have as much excitement as we had in the previous years. If we can pull in a weekend with the same weather we had so many times this summer, it will be great.
Hopefully you have already blocked the weekend out for this event to enjoy great motorcycle excitement. Spectators are welcome to follow the runs closely from certain spots along the road. We will have some food and drinks available in the paddocks.
Everybody can camp in the defined areas in the paddocks. So, bring a tent, van or car and make yourself comfortable. If needed, you can find accomodation at the Greytown Hotel.
Please no “training runs” up the road before the event! It can easily lead to us not being allowed to have another event in the future.
If you have any question flick us an email and we help you with it.
2018 – Cliffhanger Hillclimb Informations
2018 – Cliffhanger Promotions Hillclimb Registration and Indemnity Form