
The TSS Red Baron East-West 1/4-mile Sprint!

What’ll she do?

Well, now’s your chance to find out.

Run what you bring, so long as it has 2 or 3 wheels.  No limits on capacity, fuel or induction system.

We’re running a standing and flying 1/4-mile sprint on

Sunday 15th September 2013
(Alternative day: 22nd September 2013).

To register klick here and fill in the needed information or download the Registration and Indemnity Form.


The sprints will be held on the East-West Access Road in the South Wairarapa

  • Road and racing bikes can be used.
  • Riders do not need to hold a competition license.
  • The event will be electrically timed.

The runs for the flying and for the standing 1/4 mile will be held individually.

There is approx 1.5km run-up for the flying so even the fastest bikes have reached their top speed before the timing lights. If you want to experiment with gearing, exhaust systems, jetting or aero-dynamics then this is the place.

Entry is per rider for as many runs as we can fit in between the hours of 9:00 am and approx. 4:00 pm (how long we go for depends on how many riders we attract).

Classes & Fees:

Class Capacity Fee
C1 601 to open $ 60.00
C2 251 – 600 $ 50.00
C3 up to 250 $ 45.00
The fee includes $ 20.00 of insurance levy

There is no prize money, we will present a cup to the fastest rider and all riders will receive a certificate with there fastest run recorded.

  • Riders will be issued a racing number at sign on.
  • Entries will be accepted from 8:30 am onwards, throughout the day.

Meet at the Kumenga Rd intersection

  • Coming from Wellington: Take the first right hand turn at Featherston and follow the Western Lake Road and turn left just before the road turns to gravel and then you’re on the East-West Access Road.
  • Alternatively: Coming from Martinborough then travel the Lake Ferry Road until the intersection with Tuhitarata Rd, carry on along Tuhitarata Rd, the East-West Access Rd comes off on the left hand…or you can come via Kahutara!

There is a nice grassed area suitable for a picnic at the boat ramp (next to the start line), and toilets, so it will be quite civilised.

You can view the event from a’top the flood bank that runs along-side the road.

The money raised will go towards the Gladstone Cliffhanger Hillclimb.

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