The Cliffhanger Promotions Inc. annual Cliffhanger Hillclimb will take place on

Saturday 8th March 2025 and Sunday 9th March 2025

This page will provide you with information on how the event will be run, the stuff we need you to do and the fees you must pay.

The hillclimb will take place at Tupurupuru Te Wharau Road, Gladstone.

Online Registration is here

What to Bring

  • Full face helmet, back protector (chest protector is recommended) and protective clothing.
  • A motorcycle: Road legal, unregistered, race, sidecars, cruisers etc all welcome but your bike must be safe with no oil or coolant leaks. Essentially, bar lights and indicators, it must be “roadworthy”.
  • Enough fuel for the event.
  • A sober, drug free rider with a good attitude.
  • Fold out seats
  • Sunblock and plenty of water.
  • A paddock stand/side-stand puck/pad or similar as you may be parking on grass.

You MUST read our Terms of Entry and Indemnity, Contact us prior to entering if you have any questions.

Saturday – Fun Day

Saturday will take the form of a non-competitive Fun Day, with open entry and none of the times recorded counting towards the class scoring.  It is a chance for casual riders to test themselves and their bike against the hill without the worry of oncoming traffic or for the more serious riders to practice at race speeds before the main event on Sunday.

During this day it will be possible to do guided runs (un-timed) lead by experienced riders with an analysis after the run for a small fee.


7:30am to 8:30am           Sign-on (indemnity forms and number issue) and scrutineering

8:45am                              Riders’ briefing. Attendance is mandatory and riders who do not attend the briefing will not be allowed to ride.

9:15am                              Road closed.  Familiarisation runs (all riders) commence and are mandatory.

9:45am                              Timed runs commence

12.00noon to 12:25pm    Lunch

12:30pm                           Timed runs re-commence

4.00pm                              Event finishes and road re-opens

Sunday – The King of the Cliffhanger

Sunday is the day of the ‘The King of the Cliffhanger’ competition with timings counting towards placings and trophies in each of the championship classes (see below for more details).


7:30am to 8:30am          Sign-on (indemnity forms and number issue) and scrutineering

8:45am                             Riders’ briefing.
Attendance is mandatory and riders who do not attend the briefing
will not be allowed to ride.

9:15am                              Road closed.  Familiarisation runs (all riders) commence and are mandatory.

9:45am                             Timed runs commence

12.00noon to 12:25pm    Lunch

12:30pm                           Timed runs re-commence

4.00pm                             Event finishes and road re-opens.  Please thank marshals’ on your last run!

4.30pm                             Presentations


  • Trophy for fastest Motorcycles C1 rider
  • Trophy for fastest Motorcycles C2 rider
  • Trophy for fastest C3 rider
  • Prizes kindly donated by our sponsors

King of the Cliffhanger Classes

The King of the Cliffhanger competition is made up of the following classes:





C3 S1
(Saturday only)
Eligible machine types Motorcycle,
Sidecars and
other 3 wheelers
Sidecars and
other 3 wheelers
Sidecars and
other 3 wheelers
Sidecars and
other 3 wheelers


Any 2/3-wheel
Capacity/number of cylinders Open but excludes machines eligible for class C2 & C3 250-649cc
4 or more cylinders

301-899 cc triples

401-895 cc twins
( Desmodromic < 822 cc)

> 599cc singles |

ANY air-cooled twin or triple

0-249cc, 4 or more cylinders |

0-300cc triples |

0-400cc twins |

0-599cc singles

Engine type Open 4 stroke 4 stroke Open
Fuel Open Pump Pump Open
Induction system Open Naturally Aspirated Naturally Aspirated Open

2-strokes, turbos, nitros, superchargers, electric, rotary or anything else we’ve not thought of that won’t be a good “fit” for C1 or S1, we will choose your class or contact us first. 

Please note that a machine can only be entered in one class, but a rider may submit multiple entries for different machines.  In the case of multiple entries in different classes the highest entry fee is paid (only one entry fee is payable).

Accommodation, Food & Drink

Free camping is available on Friday and Saturday night.  Portaloos and cold water will be provided.  The Greytown Hotel (22 mins) is a major sponsor and offers discounted accommodation for this event.  A number of competitors and marshals meet there on Sunday after the event.

A coffee and burger van will be available during the event on Saturday and Sunday

Masterton (15 mins) is the closest large town with a few supermarkets and restaurants.


Spectating at the event is free.

For your safety please spectate only from safe, designated areas and comply with instructions from our marshals.

Under no circumstances must the road be entered whilst the road is closed.

When the road is open to normal two-way traffic, there may be a courtesy vehicle to/from safe spectating positions (gold coin donation).  To minimise disruption, the courtesy bus will normally only travel in one direction between runs and only stop when requested.

Road Opening

Between runs, the road is open to normal two-way traffic.  Please do not drive/ride on the wrong side of the road.  Please respect normal road rules and stick to the speed limit.  Please do not stop on the road or dawdle.  If you are entering a driveway or other side road, we would appreciate it if you could let our traffic controllers know.

Covid-19 Policy & Refunds

We will comply with whatever legal framework has been put in place to best protect New Zealanders.  Please respect other competitors and officials regardless of their choices and wear a mask if requested or move away from the requester.

If we are unable to run our event (Covid-19 related or otherwise), we will offer competitors a choice of a 75% refund or transfer their entry to the following year.


The following table lists the fees for the Fun Day and The King of the Cliffhanger.

Early Bird Offer!

Enter and pay before 15th February 2025 and receive a competitor’s T-Shirt.

Early bird offer is Non-refundable unless the event is cancelled.  If you give us notice prior we may be able to transfer your entry to another rider in which case you will be given a 75% refund or you can transfer your entry to another rider.  First paying, first served.  Preference will be given to riders doing both days.  This event normally fills up FAST.

  • Both Days $290
  • Saturday – Fun Day $180
  • Sunday – King of the Cliffhanger $200

Pay on Day or Late Entry

We may not have any spots left nor competitor’s T-Shirts in your size.

  • Both Days $375
  • Saturday – Fun Day $220
  • Sunday – King of the Cliffhanger $245

No back protector, No ride

We have strict standards for riding gear and all riders must wear a back protector:

We do have a limited number of them available for hire.  Please see the online copy of the indemnity form for details of the minimum protective gear required.

Back protector hire (per day) $10.00


Payment can be made by one of the following means:

  • Direct credit (e.g. via bank deposit or internet banking) to account number
    Use your surname followed by a space and your first initial as a reference.
  • Cash payment on the day. Do NOT send cash in the post.
  • We have NO EFPOS, sorry.



Thanks to our wonderful sponsors for helping keep entry fees down.  We’re always seeking more sponsors!

sentify logo

greytown hotel logo

Accommodation | Restaurant & Pub